What are the Differences Between Cold and Hot Cutting Saw Blade?

The difference between the cold and hot cut saw blade can be seen by cutting the material.

Cold Cut Saw Blade

  • A circular saw designed to cut metal.
  • Transfer the heat generated by cutting to the chips created by the saw blade.
  • The cutting surface is smooth and smooth.

Hot Cut Saw Blade

  • Commonly known as chopping saw, also called friction saw.
  • High-speed cut with high temperature.
  • Multi burr.

Cutting Method

Cold Cut
  1. High speed saw blade rotates slowly.
  2. Milling the welded pipe.
  3. No burr and no noise.
  4. The sawing process produces very little heat.
  5. Saw blade has little pressure on the steel tube.
  6. Will not cause deformation of the pipe wall.
Hot Cut
  1. The ordinary computer flying saw rotates at high speed for the tungsten steel saw blade.
  2. The contact pipe generates heat to break it.
  3. High burning marks are visible on the surface.
  4. A large amount of heat is generated.
  5. The saw blade has great pressure on the steel tube.
  6. Resulting in the deformation of the pipe wall and causing quality defects.

Diamond Saw Blade with Green Color

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